October 2009

Lipids in Raw Krill

Seasonal Variations. Internal Working Material. Average All Regions CCAMLR FAO 48). Version R&D 2006 (Pub. 2006). South Antarctic raw krill lipid content varies mainly dependant on seasonality, fishing ground and krill’s own biologically conditions. Orkney and Elephant Islands show a higher raw krill fat content (4.0 ~ 6.0% w/w) while fishing within the middle of …

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Undesirable Substances in Animal Feeds on Dioxin-Like and PCBs

European Regulation. COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2006/13/EC (2006). Undesirable Substances in Animal Feeds on Dioxin-Like and PCBs In the following link you will find a chart with the undesirable substances in animal feed. Categorized by different substances such as Arsenic, Lead, Fluorine, Mercury and more. For each substance you will be able to find products intended for …

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Krill Meal MSDS (Feed-Grade) (2006)

  The following link is Tharos´report on Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), specifically on south antarctic krill meal (Euphausia superba, Dana). The report consists on 16 sections from product name and company identification to ecological and and physical properties. MSDS_Krill_Meal_F

Whole Frozen Krill

Basic Information. Basic quality patterns are described, not necessarily similar neither match all whole round krill producers.   WholeFrozenKrill.BasicInformation

Frozen Krill Meats

Nutritional Information and Quality Parameters (2005).   Cannedor frozen krill meats hold similar quality parameters although presentation and marketable conditions differ each other. While frozen meats have a light marine and sweet flavor, combined with a fresh-marine odor and light-pink/whitish color, canned meats have a bit stronger smell and taste combined with a lighter white …

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Canned and Frozen Krill Meats

Processing Layout (2003). Canned and frozen krill meat’s processing follows a complex layout in relation to the processing specifics rather equipment complexity. On-Board krill meat processing adds peeling, thermal, cleaning and separation steps spread-out on different segments. Specific temperature, pressure, UV and water cleaning, as well as several other sanitary concepts separates an excellent from …

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Raw Krill Coloration and Sizing Patterns (2004)

South Antarctic raw krill shows clear color patterns throughout the season.  Whitish and reddish colors are available and the entire range between them. Each operator’s production goal will determine which is the most suitable coloration for its final production target.  Classifications abound depending if talking about, for example, carapace or stomach content. Typical classification has classes depending on carapace color: …

Raw Krill Coloration and Sizing Patterns (2004) Read More »

Dried Krill Meal Processing Options

  Ukraine (2003).    Dried krill meal processing follow different layouts depending on owners processing decisions.  Ukrainian process follows long-known cooking-press-drying concepts added to antioxidant and milling principles.  New on-board processing technologies are being studied and soon to be applied (e.g. Norwegian contherm + decanter + drying) which we expect might not be able to compete in quality to Ukrainian simpler low-cost …

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Price Predictive Model

Econometrical Mathematical Model. Feed-Grade Krill Meal and Krill Oil Price Estimate (2003).   The present research developed an FOB price-predictive model for high and low quality krill meal, and a market positioning strategy for precooked frozen Krill tail meat, both in relation to a combined strategy of early-season operation versus achievable marketing prices, quality and …

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