CHINA Grants THAROS A New Invention Patent

We are very proud to inform that The National Intellectual Property Administration of China (CNIPA), recently approved a new THAROS’ solvent-free krill oil extraction invention patent. 

Our next steps include new solvent-free krill oil concentration, and purification invention patents. Lengthy and expensive work at the finish line.

As you well know, all current krill oils are extracted on-land, from intermediate products manufactured at-sea months before the oil is extracted, using solvents at some stage of their extraction process. Some concentration models even use solvents that are forbidden on other food processes. 

We appreciate so much receiving end-consumers’ concerns when it comes to supplement their families with products that have some type of solvents used on their manufacturing process. Please read full news here.


April 5th 2021

Picture of Dimitri Sclabos
Dimitri Sclabos

Founder and Co-owner