Author name: Dimitri Sclabos

Antarctic Climate Change Impact – US National Security and the Threat of Climate Change

This is a challenging report issued in May 2014 by the CNA Military Advisory Board. Much has been written about the climate change impact on South Antarctic commercial activities and overall species’ habitat within the South Antarctic region.  This report adds interesting insight through the lens of the military. The report states that the projected climate …

Antarctic Climate Change Impact – US National Security and the Threat of Climate Change Read More »

Nations to Designate Antarctic Marine Protected Areas.

A meeting of 24 nations and the European Union mid-July 2013 was meant to decide the fate of two proposed ocean reserves in Antarctica. Jane J. Lee National Geographic Published July 2, 2013 For over 50 years,  international treaties have ensured that Antarctica (map)remained a place for peaceful activities and scientific study for all. That ethos of cooperation …

Nations to Designate Antarctic Marine Protected Areas. Read More »

Fish Oil Market by Application Expected to Reach USD 3,300.0 Million by 2020

Grand View Research from San Francisco, CA reported in June 26, 2014 that the global market for fish oil is expected to reach USD 3,300.0 million by 2020. According to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. fish oil demand is expected to show significant growth, following increasing human consumption, owing to rising health awareness and …

Fish Oil Market by Application Expected to Reach USD 3,300.0 Million by 2020 Read More »

Major Change Ahead-China Going the Way of DSHEA

China is officially on its way to reform its regulatory process for dietary supplements importation. As it stands today, dietary supplement companies, both foreign and domestic, must clear unwieldy—and often insurmountable—hurdles with China’s Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) in order to sell supplement products in China. By simplifying the regulatory process and cutting companies’ financial …

Major Change Ahead-China Going the Way of DSHEA Read More »

Impacts of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems (Impact in Krill Condition)

    (by Mr. Victor Smetacek from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Germany) The “food chain of the giants” = diatoms-krill-whales. The current understanding is that after the near extinction of the stocks of great whales around Antarctica by the mid-1960s, krill biomass was expected to increase because of decreasing …

Impacts of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems (Impact in Krill Condition) Read More »

Harvesting Krill Ecological Impact. Assessment. Products and Markets (UBC 1995)

This 1995 report from the University of British Columbia challenge Krill biomass assessment technologies, e.g abundance versus acoustic, the latter used for fish larger than krill.  It gathers various authors’ contributions on this matter. Modeling krill population dynamics is subject to considerable uncertainty, and with it its impact in commercial activities and catch quota allocation models, …

Harvesting Krill Ecological Impact. Assessment. Products and Markets (UBC 1995) Read More »

Updated Tharos’ Mission

In our mission to be a reliable, knowledgeable and high-caliber participant in the krill industry, Tharos is shifting part of its original mandate. In our 25 years’ work in the krill industry we have mostly delivered Tharos’ proprietary engineering, technical and commercial reports and services. We have supported academia, Governments, end-users and distributors with our …

Updated Tharos’ Mission Read More »

Aker Biomarine New (USA) Krill Oil Processing Plant

USA’s New markets tax credit (NMTC) allocations totaling $28 million have assigned to help transform a former ice cream plant in Houston, Texas (USA) into a fully operational krill oil production facility, raising Aker’s krill oil annual output capacity to 1 700 tons/year. The facility is owned by Aker BioMarine (AKBM) Manufacturing, a joint venture …

Aker Biomarine New (USA) Krill Oil Processing Plant Read More »

Report on krill fishing seasonality and its impact in krill oil yield and efficiency

Tharos’ patent of the first ever solvent-free onboard (at-sea) krill oil extraction process used more than 30-years of research conducted at sea and on shore. Krill’s unique biological and chemical features affect fishing, and by default oil extraction yield and oil quality.  This summarized report outlines part of this research. Finding the best part of the …

Report on krill fishing seasonality and its impact in krill oil yield and efficiency Read More »

Biological and Chemical Impact of Krill Fishing Seasonality (June 2014)

Tharos’ patent of the first ever solvent-free onboard (at-sea) krill oil extraction process, used more than 30-years of research conducted at sea and on shore. Krill unique biological and chemical features affect fishing and by default oil extraction yield and oil quality.  This summarized report outlines part of this research. Finding the best part of the …

Biological and Chemical Impact of Krill Fishing Seasonality (June 2014) Read More »