Author name: Dimitri Sclabos

New Krill Oil Extraction Process (April 2012)

Land-based tests for a ‘revolutionary’ process for extracting oil from South Antarctic krill have been successfully completed. As published on April 4th 2012. See more at –

Successful Termination of Krill Oil Extraction Trials (July 2013)

Tharos, a Chile-based krill utilisation consultancy, has finished the onboard trialling of its novel process for extracting oils from krill caught in the South Antarctic Ocean. See more at –

GOED Exchange Conference (Salt Lake City, USA) January 2011

  The conference was set on a two-day closed sessions, addressing regulatory, marketing and sourcing concepts that affect and shapes the fish oil industry as a whole, EPA/DHA in particular. GOED Conference speakers, and attendees, agreed EPA/DHA to be the current most important market, eventually becoming even larger. Although the EU and Asian markets are …

GOED Exchange Conference (Salt Lake City, USA) January 2011 Read More »

Algal Oil vs. Krill Oil

Recent information provided by Israeli company Qualitas states that its new-to-release (November 2013) EPA-enriched algal Omega-3 source will be the only algal-based polar lipids in the market. The press release also indicates that Qualitas’ algal oil will be equivalent to krill oil in terms of efficacy and human-consumption benefits. This is not the case.  Both …

Algal Oil vs. Krill Oil Read More »

Is farmed fish a supplier or a consumer of fish oil ?

This INFORMA (FAO Globefish) report addresses nutraceutical-grade EPA & DHA scarcity, sources and the aquaculture industry as a net supplier of EPA and DHA. Not necessarily more fish will be processed to get valuable EPA and DHA-enriched fish oils for human consumption,  rather taken off from aqua-feeds (farmed fish diets) and/or the aquaculture sector itself. …

Is farmed fish a supplier or a consumer of fish oil ? Read More »

Aquatic Species Sustainability. Impact on Omega 3 Supply

This is a report issued by Supply Side Insights in collaboration with GOED. It gives a short snapshot of the Omega-3s-industry and aquatic sustainability principles. Consumer media has been known to portray a bleak picture of marine resource depletion but in reality only about 4 percent of all ocean-harvested fish goes into omega-3 applications such …

Aquatic Species Sustainability. Impact on Omega 3 Supply Read More »

Russia Blocks Bid To Establish Massive Antarctic Marine Reserves

Marine Protected Areas (MPA), to be implemented in CCAMLR fishing regions, are set for a significant debate. In the week of July 15 2013, a meeting was held in Bremerhaven, Germany targeting the creation of a vast area of protected waters around Antarctic fishing region. The Russian Federation — supported by Ukraine — stood up against …

Russia Blocks Bid To Establish Massive Antarctic Marine Reserves Read More »

Environmental Impact Over Antarctic Krill Fishing

New CCAMLR research is signaling about seasurface water temperature increase and its direct effect over Antarctic krill population. It points its effect over the change of krill’s foraging areas, feeding patterns and the implication over the entire Antarctic food chain. It also addresses future Antarctic krill biomass condition and its impact over Antarctic krill commercial fishing. This …

Environmental Impact Over Antarctic Krill Fishing Read More »

Assessing status and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems

This is a research done by A. Constable (Australia), D. Costa (USA), E. Murphy (United Kingdom), E. Hofmann (USA), O. Schofield (USA), A. Press (Australia), N. Johnston (United Kingdom) and  L. Newman (Australia). This is CCAMLR’s Secretariat Document No. WG-EMM-13/36 submitted 17 June 2013. The prognosis for Antarctic krill overall is ambiguous, as factors that could impact directly on krill vary regionally.  New research …

Assessing status and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems Read More »