Author name: Dimitri Sclabos

Potential Climate Change Effects on the Habitat of Antarctic Krill

This is a research done by Simeon L. Hill (British Antarctic Survey, UK), Tony Phillips (British Antarctic Survey, UK) and Angus Atkinson (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK) This is CCAMLR’s Secretariat Document No. WG-EMM-13/20 submitted 13 June 2013. Antarctic krill is an obligate cold water species, an increasingly important fishery resource and a major prey item for many fish, birds …

Potential Climate Change Effects on the Habitat of Antarctic Krill Read More »

Bridging the Great Antarctic Krill Divide

Released by the Cambridge University Press, this is a report made by Dr. Simeon Hill. Simeon Hill (2013). Bridging the great Antarctic krill divide. Antarctic Science, 25, pp 345-345. doi:10.1017/S0954102013000412. More at

Ecosystem Services of the Southern Ocean: Trade-Offs in Decision-Making

Recently released by “Cambridge Press University”, this is an excellent review on krill biomass,  environmental and regulatory principles applied to the krill fishery. Written by Susie M. Grant, Simeon L. Hill, Philip N. Trathan and Eugene J. Murphy, addresses the South Antarctic ecosystem and its benefits to mankind obtained from natural ecosystems.  This report include provisioning …

Ecosystem Services of the Southern Ocean: Trade-Offs in Decision-Making Read More »

Balanced Article on Krill

Article written by Stephen Nicol. The Southern Ocean contains the largest underexploited fishery in the world – the krill fishery. While little known, this might become a source of conflict between conservationists and the fishing industry, in which case we’ll have to decide what Australia’s role in managing this resource should be. Periodically, a journalist discovers that there’s …

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Update Krill Industry Overview (v.April 2013)

The continuation of Tharos’ May 2012 abstract on the status of the South Antarctic krill industry has been recently updated.   This is an expanded summary of the report titled “Update Krill Industry Overview.  South Antarctic Krill Derivative Suppliers“.

Carotenoids Technology From Krill Waste Treatment (March 2013)

In 2012, one of recent Tharos’ research was presented in Kiev (Ukraine) in the “II International Scientific and Practical Conference for Young Scientists and Students” The conference was sponsored by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education. This report is the continuation of the April 2012 publication, research that was made in association with the Ukrainian “National University …

Carotenoids Technology From Krill Waste Treatment (March 2013) Read More »