
Do you want to test how much you know about Omega-3s?

  Hello colleagues and friends. Do you really know which are the best sources of Omega-3? Let us help you understand which are the best sources of EPA and DHA, the primary Omega3’s within the Omega3 family that you need. GOED has developed a new consumer infographic to help consumers test their “omega-3 IQ,” specifically …

Do you want to test how much you know about Omega-3s? Read More »

Japan joins Australia granting Tharos new patent protection

Dear friends and colleagues, Australia and Japan has expanded Tharos’ 100% solvent-free krill oil extraction process patent protection recognizing its novelty and inventiveness. This new patents allows the Tharos process to offer pure, fresh and clean label krill oil, processed from fresh raw krill directly where it is captured, most demanded by consumers. Thanks to …

Japan joins Australia granting Tharos new patent protection Read More »

Biomass Measures Assessment of Antarctic Krill

Good day Friends and Colleagues. The Antarctic Marine Living Resources program of the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center’s Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division has been conducing research surveys of Antarctic krill (Euphausa superba) around the Antarctic peninsula since the late 1980s. The surveys expanded during this period from a grid of net tows around Elephant Island …

Biomass Measures Assessment of Antarctic Krill Read More »

Antarctic Food Web

  Hello colleges and friends. A good reminder for all of us involved in the South Antarctic krill fishery, how important is krill on the fragile Antarctic Food WEB. Please see this very short version Antarctic Food Web_vF  

Tharos Expands its Krill Processing Reach – Impact in the Value Chain

Northern (Arctic) and Southern (Antarctic) krill species are not alike. Key differences are found in phospholipids, pigment and Omega3 content, as well as wax esters, special lipid class, fatty acids ratios and processing yields. Having Tharos run its patented process in both hemispheres, at-sea onboard factory trawlers, makes it the only company in the world …

Tharos Expands its Krill Processing Reach – Impact in the Value Chain Read More »