
South Antarctic Krill Players

Competition or Cooperation?? SWOT Analysis 2007- 2008.      Capture and  processing data was collected from all actual South Antarctic operators in order to asses this fishery, capture and processing potential for season 2007~2008 9and further). As installed processing capacity shows only the theoretical values, in some cases not even proven, data is strictly preliminary. …

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Why Hydrolysis ?? (2008)

Several questions were Tharos’ primary understanding focus; (a) Why make on-board (or on-shore) hydrolysates instead of dried meals?; (b) Why should someone bother doing this?; (c) What is the value of breaking down proteins into smaller pieces?. Key aspects considered were that hydrolysis increases digestibility; physical effect of small hydrolyzed pieces easy travelling in water; …

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On-Board Evaporation Processing Options

Financial and Technical Analysis (2007). Alternative evaporation solutions were analyzed for a theoretical 7 700GRT factory trawler targeting South Antarctic krill resource. The concept is an evaporator designed for recovering a solvent or solutes from a solution. Different types of Evaporators were researched such as, but not restricted to; raising film contra pressure and pressure-vacuum; …

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Krill Oil Extraction Companies

Quality and Model Comparisons (2007). All actual relevant krill oil extracting corporations have been analyzed in order to evaluate; (a) Quality of end-products; (b) Residual solvents which affects end-quality; (c) Market potential; (d) Business model applicability for the long-term sustainability. Companies involved in krill oil extraction work mainly through solvent-extraction principles processed on-shore from either …

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Lipids in Raw Krill

Seasonal Variations. Internal Working Material. Average All Regions CCAMLR FAO 48). Version R&D 2006 (Pub. 2006). South Antarctic raw krill lipid content varies mainly dependant on seasonality, fishing ground and krill’s own biologically conditions. Orkney and Elephant Islands show a higher raw krill fat content (4.0 ~ 6.0% w/w) while fishing within the middle of …

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Undesirable Substances in Animal Feeds on Dioxin-Like and PCBs

European Regulation. COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2006/13/EC (2006). Undesirable Substances in Animal Feeds on Dioxin-Like and PCBs In the following link you will find a chart with the undesirable substances in animal feed. Categorized by different substances such as Arsenic, Lead, Fluorine, Mercury and more. For each substance you will be able to find products intended for …

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