GOED launches national omega-3s campaign based on successful test market trial

CapturaBuilding on a successful test run in North Carolina, the global organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) has launched a national wide ad campaign to boost the profile of omega-3s.

Omega-3s are among the most highly researched dietary ingredients and are among the most recommended by health practitioners, too. But some recent equivocal studies and the splashy, negative headlines they gave rise to, has put a serious dent in the market, causing the first decline in the ingredients´history in North America.

“It´s still declining”, said Adam Ismail, executive director of GOED. “There are some channels where growth is continuing, such as the practitioner channel and the network marketing channel. In a way that makes sense because those are the ones where you have a lot of touch points with consumers.”

Read full article : http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Markets/GOED-launches-national-omega-3s-campaign-based-on-successful-test-market-trial/?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=17-Mar-2015&c=1rwFe53WY4lYsx6Vdyx42A==


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Dimitri Sclabos

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