Is it enough how the krill oil industry is reacting to the krill oil sales downturn? reports on current krill oil suppliers looking ways to overcome dismal krill oil sales, one of them through concentrated krill oil versions, as well as some specific offerings targeting eye heath for example.

Poor krill oil sales, in our opinion, is not only a matter of lack of novelty, a lowering investment in marketing or less new products launching, but also the “price-offering matrix” and the lack of a true “solvent-free extracted krill oil“. We are strong believers of the importance to extract krill oil as closer as possible from the source; fresh raw krill.  Why a better krill oil is obtained from fresh raw krill?

On the concentrated versions of krill oil, in February 2016 we reported about our accomplishment of such concentrated form, which is available to read here.

The market is receptive to a higher dose of phospholipids and Omega3s’ (as EPA and DHA), but also looks for a clean and price competitive krill oil offering to overcome (a) low-quality, (b) blended and (c) mislabeled krill oils, plus the growing impact that algae and vegetable forms of phospholipids oils currently on development will bring to the market.




Picture of Dimitri Sclabos
Dimitri Sclabos

Founder and Co-owner